Every year our family enjoys reading Luke 2 as part of our Christmas Eve tradition. Throughout the years we’ve had various approaches, including having the kids wear costumes and act out parts (kids #1 favorite role is Mary, #2 is the donkey).
As time has gone on, and we have more capable readers, I’ve wanted to create a reader’s theater version that includes the annunciation (Luke 1), Joseph’s dilemma (Matthew 1) as well as the wise men (Matthew 2) in addition to the traditional Luke 2 storyline.
We’re trying out this reader’s theater script on Christmas Eve and wanted to share it with you. My favorite part is how it integrates Nephi’s vision of the birth of Christ, helping us see that the Savior’s birth is a manifestation of God’s love for each of us.
If you’re looking for a twist on the traditional reading of Luke 2, give this a try! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas.