Class 17 – From the Triumphal Entry to the Last Supper

Suggested Pre-Class Readings

Read John 11:45-57. These verses take place just after Christ raised Lazarus from the dead. How do the “chief priests and Pharisees” react to this miracle? Note also the name of the high priest—he will be a major figure in the Savior’s trial and crucifixion.

We have talked about doing a “synopsis study” in this class. Let’s practice this approach by studying the four accounts of the triumphal entry and looking for similarities and differences. You can either watch this video version of the four accounts, or read Mark 11:1-11Matthew 21:1-11Luke 19:29-44John 12:12-19. If you watch the video version (recommended) especially note when what the narrator says is different than what is portrayed (this is an easy way to spot differences in these accounts). 

Read Mark 11:9-24. Which Markan feature is evident? What does it highlight for us?

Read John 12:17-50. These are the final teachings of Jesus Christ in John prior to the Last Supper. What themes from John do you notice in these verses? What message from Jesus Christ in these verses stands out to you personally?

Read Mark 14:1-11. What two events does Mark highlight as taking place shortly before the Passover? Do you notice the sandwich structure? How does this impact what you gain from these verses?

The earliest account we have of what happened at the Last Supper is most likely given by Paul (not Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John). Read what Paul taught about the Last Supper in 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.

Questions to focus on

Who were the Savior’s chief opponents in his trial and crucifixion? What ulterior motive might they have had for opposing Jesus?

According to Natalie Regoli, what lesson can we learn from Christ’s statement, “I tell you, if these were silent, the stones would shout out”?

How is the cursed fig tree a symbol of hypocrisy?

How does the sandwiching of the fig tree with temple cleansing influence our understanding of what Christ is saying about the temple?

Be able to explain how Christ uses a phrase from Jeremiah at the temple cleansing, and what this statement implies.

Identify an additional Markan Sandwich involving Judas and a woman. What lessons can we learn from this event?

Be able to explain, from scripture, the Penal Substitution and Christus Victor models of the Savior’s Atonement.

How do Matthew and Luke differently frame the response to the Savior’s declaration that one would betray him? What lesson might that have for us?

What does Paul teach regarding the Sacrament?

Check Your Understanding

Practice Questions Part 2 - Class Seven

Deseret Book Publications

Optional Post-Class Readings

If you’d like to learn more about “Markan Sandwiches” see James R. Edwards, “Markan Sandwiches. The Significance of Interpolations in Markan Narratives.” 

To learn more about the anointing woman in Mark, see Julie M. Smith, “She Hath Wrought a Good Work.”

You might enjoy the music video, “I’ll join the rocks” as you think about the Savior’s phrase, “If these were silent, the stones would shout out.”


Insights from, conversations with, writings by, and/or resources created by several people were very helpful in the development of this class. These include Julie M. Smith, Natalie Regoli, Dr. Frank Judd, Dr. Matthew Grey, Dr. Joshua Sears, Dr. James R. Edwards, and Judah Smith.