Who Lost Their Roof?

Image result for man lowered through roof

You’re probably familiar with the story of the four people who carried a paralyzed man to be healed by Jesus. But the entrance to the house was so crowded that they were not able to enter the home – so they lowered the man through the roof! It wasn’t until I stood near the spot where this took place that I ever asked myself, “Whose roof was uncovered?”

This miracle, like so many others (including healing a man with leprosy), took place in Capernaum. We read in Mark 1:21-34 that Jesus went to Capernaum, healed a man in the synagogue, and then went to Peter’s house, where he healed Peter’s mother-in-law. This appears to be the location for many other healings that took place that night .

After he left to visit other towns, we read that Jesus “again entered into Capernaum…and it was noised abroad that he was at home” (Mark 2:1, note the alternate Greek translation from the footnote). Consider that phrase – Jesus was “at home.” Whose home? His own? Or was he perhaps staying with Peter?

Think about that question in context of the men who “Uncovered the roof” (Mark 2:4). Was it the Savior’s own roof that was damaged? I love that the Savior didn’t say, “Behold, you have ruined my roof,” but instead focused the faith of the friends.

But what if it was Peter’s roof? Can you see Peter thinking to himself, “Oh great, I just got that roof fixed, and now I’m going to have to patch it again!” Have you or I ever been inconvenienced in some way as part of our ministry? Peter can certainly relate.

Today, a site stands in Capernaum that archaeologists suggest may have been Peter’s house.

Image result for peter house capernaum

Standing in this location is one of my favorite parts of leading tours to Israel. Likely within a few yards, and certainly within a stone’s throw, this miracle and many more took place. I love thinking about the power of the Savior, the faith of the friends who brought the paralyzed man to Jesus, and just maybe Peter’s faith as he was willing to let go of the broken roof so that he could focus on a bigger miracle.